《艾特熊和赛娜鼠2:吉波利塔之旅》:探索宇宙深处的未知奥秘 - 4k影院


来源:baidu.com人气:1436更新:2024-09-09 22:59:12

     DT版kino美A蓝光复合经典国配 黑白片的蓝光质感极为舒适 故事就像农家姑娘版史密斯先生到华盛顿 美式的浪漫与自由 无所不在的政治 只要你能大胆发声 终有你飞翔的地方 开始的有点傻呵呵的女主一到男主豪宅中就变得口舌犀利而且还很大胆 万人迷同时让屋中的三人都喜欢上她也是理想化到极致了 男主对她的一见钟情都没有多少铺垫 那些为了见到她的小心思让人莞尔 选票最大的观点充斥始终 不同政党的争论和攻击也并没有那么激烈 扬就用自己的那股劲儿在欢乐祥和的氛围里拿了影后 国配与角色性格还比较搭 政治中的爱情喜剧 三星半没想到这么好看!虽然没有经历过那个年代,但觉得影片把那个年代的人们的思想和矛盾都拍出来了!巧真确实是块金子!只是金子虽然会发光,但不一定被捡到!看的我那叫一个心痛!凭什么付出的人总是受苦!知识的多少不能衡量一个人的好坏!有没有良心才是标准!拿良心换来的未来与前途只能是给畜生过的!The new film, “A Trip to Gibberitia” (“Le Voyage en Charabie”), is an original story from Guillaume Mautalent and Sebastien Oursel, though it is still based on the IP and characters of the original books. It’s described as a new adventure that takes Ernest and Celestine back to Ernest’s country, Gibberitia, to fix his broken violin. This exotic land is home to the best musicians on earth and music constantly fills the air with joy. However, upon arriving, our two heroes discover that all forms of music have been banned there for many years – and for them, a life without music is unthinkable. Along with their friends and a mysterious masked outlaw, Ernest and Celestine must try their best to bring music and happiness back to the land of bears..