《公平竞争》:一镜到底,战争残酷 - 4k影院


来源:baidu.com人气:1335更新:2024-09-17 16:05:28

     看着令人心碎啊!诺兰的一颦一笑,举手投足都是在多年的隐藏自我下依然展示的绅士风度,这么久的深柜生活,看似平淡无奇,却是痛苦无比.     一个小混混,却是他转变生活的钥匙.     不要性,只要那温柔的拥抱,那些交流的话语,对彼此都是一种认知.     然而这么多善意的付出,依然换不来真情的回馈,悲伤而又失望"My father was diagnosed manic depressive in 1967. He'd been going around Cambridge in a fake beard calling himself Jesus John Harvard. When he got better, he started working in public television in Boston. He met my mother there. He walked up and took her picture. On their first date, he took her on a driving tour of New England and told her all about his nervous breakdowns. She didn't care. She said it was a crazy time. Half the people they knew were going bananas. So they got married and they had me... and then my sister. We were happy. I know there is more to it than that. There always is."故事发生在一家残酷的对冲基金公司内,一对情侣因一次意外的晋升而矛盾升级,即将举行的订婚宴也要告吹,但他们不知道的是,更大的难题即将来袭.     克洛伊·多蒙特 克洛伊·多蒙特菲比·黛内芙Emily阿尔登·埃伦瑞奇Luke埃迪·马森Campbell里奇·索莫Paul塞巴斯蒂安·德·索萨Rory西亚·阿利普尔ArjunYacine RamoulJeremie Brandon BassirDax 杰米·威尔克斯Quinn Freddy SawyerDerek杰拉丁·萨莫维尔Emily's Mother派特里克·费斯克勒Robert Bynes Laurel LefkowConnie Buck BraithwaiteTheo吉姆·斯图格恩 Uncle J Linda Ljoka Mrs. Meyers J. PaceNoah Analyst #1 Abe Fark Harris Analyst #2Leopold HughesKen Oak Boris FionovRussian Translato Jelena StupljaninRelative #1 凯蒂·戈伊科维奇 Relative #2 伊沃娜·库斯图迪奇 Emily's Aunt演职员表参考资料2022年12月,《公平竞争》已入围2023年圣丹斯电影节.     2023年8月,该片曝预告.     网站评分参评人数统计截止日期豆瓣6.837962023-12-11.