


类型:十九岁电影 中国香港 2024

时间:2024-09-13 05:09:25





Tom was touched keenly enough to forget his pride and suspicion.
"You're a very kind fellow, Bob," he said, coloring,with that little diffident tremor in his voice which gave a certain charm even to Tom's pride and severity, "and I sha'n't forget you again, though I didn't know you this evening. But I can't take the nine sovereigns; I should be taking your little fortune from you, and they wouldn't do me much good either."
"Wouldn't they, Mr. Tom?" said Bob, regretfully."Now don't say so 'cause you think I want 'em. I aren't a poor chap. My mother gets a good penn'orth wi'picking feathers an' things; an' if she eats nothin' but bread-an'-water, it runs to fat. An' I'm such a lucky chap; an' I doubt you aren't quite so lucky, Mr. Tom,–th' old master isn't, anyhow,–an' so you might take a slice o' my luck, an' no harm done. Lors! I found a leg o' pork i' the river one day; it had tumbled out o' one o' them round-sterned Dutchmen, I'll be bound. Come,think better on it, Mr. Tom, for old 'quinetance' sake,else I shall think you bear me a grudge."


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