天涯怪客 在线播放


导演:怪客 在线播 

类型:最近最新 韩国 2024

时间:2024-09-17 06:09:28




天涯怪客 在线播放剧情介绍:

The house of fiction has in short not one window,but a million—a number of possible windows not to be reckoned, rather; every one of which has been pierced, or is still pierceable, in its vast front, by the need of the individual vision and by the pressure of the individual will. These apertures, of dissimilar shape and size, hang so, all together, over the human scene that we might have expected of them a greater sameness of report than we find. They are but windows at the best, mere holes in a dead wall,disconnected, perched aloft; they are not hinged doors opening straight upon life. But they have this mark of their own that at each of them stands a 昀gure with a pair of eyes, or at least with a 昀eld-glass, which forms,again and again, for observation, a unique instrument,insuring to the person making use of it an impression distinct from every other. He and his neighbours are watching the same show, but one seeing more where the other sees less, one seeing black where the other sees white, one seeing big where the other sees small, one seeing coarse where the other sees fine.And so on, and so on; there is fortunately no saying on what, for the particular pair of eyes, the window may not open; "fortunately" by reason, precisely, of this incalculability of range. The spreading field, the human scene, is the "choice of subject"; the pierced aperture, either broad or balconied or slit-like and lowbrowed, is the "literary form"; but they are, singly or together, as nothing without the posted presence of the watcher—without, in other words, the consciousness of the artist. Tell me what the artist is, and I will tell you of what he has been conscious. Thereby I shall express to you at once his boundless freedom and his"moral" reference.

相关影视:天涯怪客 在线播放

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