来源:baidu.com人气:1422更新:2024-09-16 13:31:12
21世紀初期某段時間反映民族衝突中的「恐怖分子」/「肉彈」心態和生存狀態的電影扎堆,從某種角度上也是「主題先行」,每個人都不是天生的恐怖客,即使在極端行為背後也有人性的軟弱和抗爭,不過從本片看似乎還是「洗腦」和「宗教」原因,反而是其中執行者之一的妹妹對自殺行為的反駁更具有世俗意義,成為全劇的高亮點. 健身完在跑步机上看到爱奇艺的推送看的,虽然是一部小成本电影,但给我的感觉还可以,至少跑步机上40分钟没有感觉到累. 音乐?很美,剧情虽然狗血但感人. 每个人的爱情?有三次,一次懵懂 ,一次刻骨铭心,一次白头到老!真爱一个人一是要勇敢的说出口,二是真的需要无私,不求回报. 只要她幸福快乐就好.
A college student, on her way home from visiting her mother, gets stuck with a group of people at a mountain rest stop during a blizzard. Things take a turn for the worse when the young woman discovers a kidnapped child in a car belonging to one of the people inside, putting the group in a terrifying life-or-death situation as they struggle to escape while trying to discover wh...